ภาคผนวก B: เทพเจ้าในมัลติเวอร์ส

Religion is an important part of life in the worlds of the D&D multiverse. When gods walk the world, clerics channel divine power, evil cults perform dark sacrifices in subterranean lairs, and shining paladins stand like beacons against the darkness, it’s hard to be ambivalent about the deities and deny their existence.

Many people in the worlds of D&D worship different gods at different times and circumstances. People in the Forgotten Realms, for example, might pray to Sune for luck in love, make an offering to Waukeen before heading to the market, and pray to appease Talos when a severe storm blows in—all in the same day. Many people have a favorite among the gods, one whose ideals and teachings they make their own. And a few people dedicate themselves entirely to a single god, usually serving as a priest or champion of that god’s ideals.

Your DM determines which gods, if any, are worshiped in his or her campaign. From among the gods available, you can choose a single deity for your character to serve, worship, or pay lip service to. Or you can pick a few that your character prays to most often. Or just make a mental note of the gods who are revered in your DM’s campaign so you can invoke their names when appropriate. If you’re playing a cleric or a character with the Acolyte background, decide which god your deity serves or served, and consider the deity’s suggested domains when selecting your character’s domain.

D&D Pantheons

Each world in the D&D multiverse has its own pantheons of deities. This appendix deals with one pantheon, that of the Forgotten Realms.

The Forgotten Realms

Dozens of deities are revered, worshiped, and feared throughout the world of the Forgotten Realms. At least thirty deities are widely known across the Realms, and many more are worshiped locally, by individual tribes, small cults, or certain sects of larger religious temples.

Nonhuman Deities

Certain gods closely associated with nonhuman races are revered on many different worlds, though not always in the same way. The nonhuman races of the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk share these deities.

Nonhuman races often have whole pantheons of their own. Besides Moradin, for example, the dwarf gods include Moradin’s wife, Berronar Truesilver, and a number of other gods thought to be their children and grandchildren: Abbathor, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Gorm Gulthyn, Haela Brightaxe, Marthammor Duin, Sharindlar, Thard Harr, and Vergadain. Individual clans and kingdoms of dwarves might revere some, all, or none of these deities, and some have other gods unknown (or known by other names) to outsiders.

Deities of the Forgotten Realms

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol
Auril, goddess of winter NE Nature, Tempest Six-pointed snowflake
Azuth, god of wizards LN Knowledge Left hand pointing upward, outlined in fire
Bane, god of tyranny LE War Upright black right hand, thumb and fingers together
Beshaba, goddess of misfortune CE Trickery Black antlers
Bhaal, god of murder NE Death Skull surrounded by a ring of blood droplets
Chauntea, goddess of agriculture NG Life Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Cyric, god of lies CE Trickery White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
Deneir, god of writing NG Knowledge Lit candle above an open eye
Eldath, goddess of peace NG Life, Nature Waterfall plunging into still pool
Gond, god of craft N Knowledge Toothed cog with four spokes
Helm, god of protection LN Life, Light Staring eye on upright left gauntlet
Ilmater, god of endurance LG Life Hands bound at the wrist with red cord
Kelemvor, god of the dead LN Death Upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales
Lathander, god of birth and renewal NG Life, Light Road traveling into a sunrise
Leira, goddess of illusion CN Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist
Lliira, goddess of joy CG Life Triangle of three six-pointed stars
Loviatar, goddess of pain LE Death Nine-tailed barbed scourge
Malar, god of the hunt CE Nature Clawed paw
Mask, god of thieves CN Trickery Black mask
Mielikki, goddess of forests NG Nature Unicorn’s head
Milil, god of poetry and song NG Light Five-stringed harp made of leaves
Myrkul, god of death NE Death White human skull
Mystra, goddess of magic NG Knowledge Circle of seven stars, or nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star
Oghma, god of knowledge N Knowledge Blank scroll
Savras, god of divination and fate LN Knowledge Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Selûne, goddess of the moon CG Knowledge, Life Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
Shar, goddess of darkness and loss NE Death, Trickery Black disk encircled with a border
Silvanus, god of wild nature N Nature Oak leaf
Sune, goddess of love and beauty CG Life, Light Face of a beautiful red-haired woman
Talona, goddess of disease and poison CE Death Three teardrops on a triangle
Talos, god of storms CE Tempest Three lightning bolts radiating from a central point
Tempus, god of war N War Upright flaming sword
Torm, god of courage and self-sacrifice LG War White right gauntlet
Tymora, goddess of good fortune CG Trickery Face-up coin
Tyr, god of justice LG War Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Umberlee, goddess of the sea CE Tempest Wave curling left and right
Waukeen, goddess of trade N Knowledge, Trickery Upright coin with Waukeen’s profile facing left


Many deities in this section suggest the Life domain, particularly if they are closely associated with healing, protection, childbirth, nurturing, or fertility. As described in the Classes section, though, the Life domain is incredibly broad, and a cleric of any non-evil deity can choose it.

A number of other deities, mostly evil ones, suggest the Death domain, which is detailed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Most clerics who choose this domain are evil NPCs, but if you want to worship a god of death, consult your Dungeon Master.